Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies, Frankie approaches Casey and Marie. She bares her teeth and points at Casey.
Frankie: You're going down this year, Mulligan.
Casey: How? I'm not playing.
Panel 2:
Frankie: Not playing?
Casey: It all got a bit too intense last time. I'm going to concentrate on school.
Panel 3:
Frankie [in panicked horror]: Not playing?
Marie [with a huge smirk]: On school?
Panel 4: Frankie
stares incredulously at nothing as Marie screams with laughter. Casey
wanders over to talk to Rahim, who is reading a newspaper.
Casey: I think I just said two wrong things.
Rahim: I'm really beginning to wonder about this whole "genius" deal.
Alt-Text: Casey is actually going to concentrate on Buffy, but same difference, really.