Panel 1: In
the Davies College foyer, Baldwin and Frankie approach Marie. Baldwin
has his right arm in a sling. Marie has a seriously bruised face.
Frankie and Baldwin: Hi.
Marie: Hi.
Panel 2:
Baldwin: We're really, really, really sorry.
Frankie: Really, really, really sorry.
Panel 3: They grimace at Marie anxiously.
Panel 4:
Marie: What for?
Frankie [runs away so quickly that by the time she speaks, she's no longer in the panel]: That's all right, then...'bye!
Alt-Text: No,
there is not going to be an amnesia plot. There is never going to be an
amnesia plot. I do not believe in amnesia plots. However, spot amnesia
is not an unusual side effect of a concussion. What is more worrying is
that Marie's friends have apparently all assumed that she remembers the
accident and carefully not talked to her about it. Friends can be like
that sometimes, I guess.