Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Marie approaches Rahim, who is standing there staring into space.
Marie: Rahim?
Rahim: I may have given you a wrong impression in there. It's...a friend-crush.
Panel 2:
Marie: A...?
Rahim: I don't make friends easily. People think I'm arrogant, and they leave me alone...but you've never been like that.
Panel 3:
Rahim: I usually try to stay detached. When I don't, I end up caring about people too much. Not romantically. Just...caring.
Panel 4:
Marie: That's possibly the most endearing thing ever, but if you want to see it as a problem...
Rahim: You try defending the city once the walls have come tumbling down.
Alt-Text: Take that, rebellious fictional character! And he woke up, and it was all a psychosis! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!