Panel 1: Outside the Davies College common room, Marie and Rahim stand and talk.
Marie: What did you think?
Rahim: Wolfgang's speech was too well delivered.
Panel 2: Marie and Rahim watch Wolfgang and Jackie, who are nearby, having a conversation.
Marie: So? Everyone knows what he's like. A talent for public speaking won't change that.
Panel 3: Two Junior Fellows, a man and a woman, walk past Marie and Rahim.
Man: Wolfgang's speech was amazing. I'm so going to vote for him.
Panel 4: Marie stares after the couple as Rahim walks away.
Marie: Davies logic is hard on my brain.
Rahim: Yeah, I'm going to go cry now.
Alt-Text: I
have seen such logic at work at Massey. Even better is the reverse: "I
really like this person and thought until this moment that he would
make a fantastic Don; however, he isn't a very good speaker, so I'm
voting for someone else."