Panel 1: In
the Davies College Lower Library, Darren sits as a table, a laptop open
before him. Felicia stands behind him, looking over his shoulder. Casey
approaches them.
Felicia: Wow.
Darren: No kidding. I bet--
Casey: What's going on?
Panel 2: Darren blocks the computer screen.
Felicia: Nothing! Nothing at all!
Darren: Completely innocent Web-surfing right here.
Panel 3: Casey walks away, smiling.
Casey: I hope you didn't just find the site with me and the tentacles...though I actually can explain that.
Panel 4: Casey is gone.
Felicia: switch...scandals...
Darren: No, actually, we need to Google this now.
Alt-Text: Damn *I* want to google that website.