Panel 1: In the Davies College porter's lodge, Kenneth is sitting at his desk, while Marie is underneath it.
Kenneth: You awake? I need to close up for the night.
Marie: Okay.
Panel 2: They stand outside the porter's lodge. Marie wraps her arms around herself. Kenneth hands her a slip of paper.
Marie: Thanks for letting me hide under your desk.
Kenneth: No problem. Here...take this.
Panel 3: Marie looks at the paper as Kenneth begins to walk away.
Marie: What is it?
Kenneth: Name of a bloke I know...if you ever need someone to talk to. Expert on PTSD. Cheers, love.
Panel 4: Kenneth is gone. Evil Marie is now standing next to Marie. Fun fact: Marie casts a shadow on the wall, but Evil Marie doesn't.
Evil Marie: Even Kenneth is being nice to you; you must be visibly cracking.
Marie: Well, you would know.
Alt-Text: Kenneth Malcolm has the whole world in his hand. He spends quite a lot of time crushing it.