Panel 1: Marie has been wandering the streets of Toronto. She checks her watch.
Marie [thinks]: Four a.m. Surely it's safe to go back to my room now.
Panel 2: Marie walks down a hallway at Davies College, heading for her room.
Marie [thinks]: My friends will be in bed. Why wouldn't they be in bed? Anyone sane would be in bed.
Panel 3: Marie
arrives back at her room to find Barbara (on the floor), Rahim (on a
chair), Frankie (standing), and Casey (arms crossed, scowling) outside
Panel 4:
Marie [thinks]: ...I do not have sane friends.
Barbara: Are we going to have to sit on her face? I'm willing.
As someone who has to get up at four a.m. once a week, I can state
categorically that all people awake at that time are completely mad. I
mean, they would have to be.