Panel 1: Outside Marie's residence room at Davies College, Casey chews Marie out as Rahim, Barbara, and Frankie watch.
Casey: Don't you ever do that again! You scared the hell out of us!
Rahim: Casey...
Panel 2:
Casey: She thinks we care what that idiot Darren says about her! Why would we even listen to him?
Rahim: Casey...
Panel 3: Marie is looking decidedly unhappy.
Casey: You were missing for ten hours because Mr. Brainless told lies about you. Ten hours! Do you have any idea--
Rahim, Barbara, and Frankie: Casey!
Panel 4: Rahim hugs Marie while Barbara pats her on the head.
Barbara: Less yelling...more sympathetic pats of wordless understanding.
Rahim: Some hugging would also be good.
As someone with a temper even worse than Casey's (at least he can
suppress his rage most of the time), I know exactly what he's thinking
right now: "I'm a jerk. I'm a horrible, horrible jerk. Why aren't I not
being a jerk? Man, I'm going to be doing a lot of apologising