Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Casey approaches Barbara. He holds a piece of paper out to her.
Casey: Barbara, look: I found a rental possibility for you.
Panel 2: Barbara takes the paper and reads it.
Casey: The place is cheap and fairly close; it's in a basement, but I know the landlady, and she's fixed it up very nicely.
Panel 3: Rahim pokes his head into the panel.
Barbara: It's west of Bathurst.
Casey: Well, yes, but--
Panel 4:
Barbara: I can't live west of Bathurst; that would be succumbing to adulthood!
Rahim: You may just want to let this one go.
Even now, though I live far east of Yonge (another zone outside the
magical bounds of the university), I cannot bring myself to contemplate
living west of Bathurst. Adulthood is simply not for me.