Panel 1: Somewhere
in Davies College, Weird Beard is leering at Wendy, who doesn't look
happy. Marie, Casey, and Frankie watch from a distance.
Marie: He's creepy.
Casey: I hadn't noticed.
Panel 2: Wendy joins the group.
Marie: You're a guy.
Frankie: So creepy.
Wendy: He looked down my shirt!
Panel 3:
Frankie: Gross.
Marie: See?
Panel 4:
Casey: He hasn't looked down my--
Marie, Frankie, and Wendy: YOU'RE A GUY!
Ah, yes...creepydar. I have lost count of the number of times I have
witnessed women shuddering over a particularly creepy guy while their
male friends rolled their eyes and declared that THEY couldn't see
anything creepy about Mr. Creepy. It could be that guys don't notice
this sort of thing because Mr. Creepy is not, after all, looking down
their shirts.