Panel 1: In Barbara's new apartment, Marie, Casey, and Barbara are shifting boxes around. Rahim enters the room.
Rahim: That's it.
Marie: That's it?
Panel 2: Marie, Casey, and Rahim gather together.
Marie [very happily]: We're done?
Rahim: Every cursedly heavy box has made it from Point A to Point B.
Panel 3:
Marie: It does not suck to be us.
Rahim: Not at all.
Panel 4: They look at Barbara, who is holding a plank and a hammer.
Marie: It does kind of suck to be her.
Barbara: Does anyone know how to build a bed.?
True story: when two of my friends moved to their new apartment last
year, they bought identical beds from IKEA. Friend #1 set up his bed
without many problems; friend #2 was missing several screws and had to
return to IKEA the next day. Friend #2 blamed Fate, whereas Friend #1
mostly just went, "Heh...heh...heh..."