Panel 1: In the Davies College quadrangle, Marie, Barbara, and Casey are walking along together when Weird Beard approaches them.
Weird Beard [to Casey]: You're using your cane on the wrong side.
Panel 2:
Casey: ...What?
Weird Beard: You're just damaging your wrist. You should switch over before it's too late.
Panel 3:
Casey: It...feels more natural on this--
Weird Beard [hurries away]: Can't talk! Must interrupt more conversations! Limbs depend on it! Goodbye!
Panel 4:
Marie [to Barbara]: He's weirder than you are.
Barbara: No one's weirder than I am.
Casey: ...Too late for what?
If Weird Beard and Barbara had a weirdness competition, they would
probably end up clucking like chickens and trying to talk to each
other's shoes.