Panel 1: Marie is reding a newspaper in her favourite basement nook at Davies College. Casey, carrying his cane, approaches her.
Casey: Let's go grab a doughnut.
Marie: Okay. Just a--
Panel 2:
Marie: --Waaait a minute...
Casey: If we hurry, we'll have time for coffee too.
Panel 3: Marie stands up and shakes a fist at Casey.
Marie: This is that...thing again, isn't it? We're going to go sit in Tim Hortons at noon, and some girl in a big green jacket is going's the thing!
Casey [walks rapidly away]: Can't talk. Must rush madly!
Panel 4: Marie glares at Casey as they walk along together. Casey is smiling brightly.
Marie: I don't know why I don't hate you.
Casey: It's probably my mysterious charm.
Alt-Text: Marie is currently thinking, "Charm?" with as much sarcasm as humanly possible.