Panel 1: Marie and Casey are sitting at a small table in Tim Hortons, a Canadian coffee and doughnut chain. Casey is holding a doughnut.
Marie: Gosh. This seems familiar.
Casey: I'm excited about the new maple crunch doughnut.
Panel 2:
Marie: Okay, no. Just no. You are not getting away with the doughnut chatter this time!
Casey: It's maple, but it also has crunchy bits on top.
Panel 3:
Marie: Casey...!
Casey: The perfect squishy food with an added crunchy perfect is that?
Panel 4:
Marie: Is Tim Hortons paying you to be this annoying?
Casey: you think it would?
Alt-Text: Tim Hortons once fired a woman for giving a timbit (a small ball-shaped doughnut) away for free, so probably not.