Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Rahim and Marie talk as Barbara stands beside them, juggling.
Rahim: Frankie's ex-boyfriend is going to live here?
Marie: Yep.
Panel 2: Barbara continues to juggle.
Rahim: Along, of course, with her current boyfriend.
Marie: Yep.
Panel 3: Barbara loses control of the juggling balls.
Rahim: Sounds as if this is going to be a fun year.
Marie: Yep.
Panel 4: Rahim has caught one of the balls. He and Marie turn to look at Barbara, who is hitting herself repeatedly on the head.
Rahim: Even without all the juggling.
Marie: Yep.
Barbara's doing better than I was in the first few days of my juggling
experiments. I would never have been able to keep the balls in the air
for three whole panels.