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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

West of Bathurst 390

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In other news:

WoB doesn't get reviewed often ('s been reviewed once ), so when I find that someone has spent three whole paragraphs blogging about it (and one of them is actually about the strip itself!), I get quite excited. Over at butterfly mind: the universe in a shoebox, the blogger (who goes by the anonymous Internetese name of shoebox2) has categorised WoB as "some bit of marvelous creativity that's so obscure it doesn't even get mentioned on Net forums." Shoebox2 is a good writer from Toronto. That is all I know about her. Go check out the blog, my friends.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Panel 1: Marie and Casey are kissing in Marie's bedroom. Marie is into it; Casey has opened his eyes.

Panel 2:

Casey: I don't think so.

Panel 3: Casey leaves the room as Marie stares at nothing in shock.

Panel 4: Evil Marie appears.

Evil Marie: Well, that was humiliating.

Marie: Go away.

Alt-Text: Double gosh.

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