Panel 1: In the Davies College basement, Rahim has got in between Marie and Casey, who have been yelling at each other.
Rahim: Deep breaths. That's it. Case--
Casey [walks away]: No. I don't have to stay here and be yelled at for no reason.
Panel 2:
Rahim: What's got into him?
Marie [tears streaming down her face]: I don't know! Now I'm not even sure it happened!
Panel 3: Marie runs away as Rahim stares after her.
Rahim: ...It...happened...?
Panel 4: Barbara comes up behind Rahim.
Rahim: Oh God.
Barbara: I left the college for twelve hours. What'd I miss?
As far as emotional impact goes, Barbara being away from the College
for twelve hours is sort of like anyone else being away from the
College for six years.