2008 Hallowe'en Header:
this special Hallowe'en header, Marie sits cross-legged, regarding a
jack o' lantern. Barbara is in the process of springing on her from
behind. The header reads: "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren."
Panel 1: In the Davies College basement, Marie talks to Rahim.
Rahim: So...that's it.
Marie: That's it.
Panel 2: He hugs her as she cries.
Rahim: Oh, Marie. I wish I knew why...
Marie: So do I.
Panel 3:
Marie: It doesn't matter. I don't need him. I got along without Casey Mulligan for twenty-two years; nothing's different now.
Panel 4: Barbara pops up out of nowhere.
Barbara: Except the acutely painful feeling of betrayal, of course.
Marie: Don't you have some juggling to do?
Alt-Text: In Tibet? On a one-way ticket?