Panel 1: At
the Davies College Hallowe'en party, Casey is dressed like a
Renaissance bard, complete with lute. Other Junior Fellows, including
Frankie as a French maid, Wendy as a sexy bunny, and a man dressed as
Ash from The Evil Dead II, glare at him.
Panel 2: Casey has noticed that he is the centre of attention.
Panel 3: Everyone is very much glaring, including Harry Potter and Mrs. Incredible.
Panel 4: Casey
is sitting on one of the couches in one of the common room wells, his
head buried in his knees. Barbara comes over to talk to him.
Barbara: What are you doing?
Casey: Sitting in the corner of universal rejection.
Casey: Evidently.
Alt-Text: Yes, that's a real lute. It's probably safer not to ask why he has it.