Panel 1: Baldwin and Marie are sitting on the couch in Marie's favourite basement nook. Wolfgang stands nearby, consulting a book.
Baldwin: Are you with me that the dead mouse is a problem?
Wolfgang: --in subsection 32.24a, I suggest--
Panel 2:
Marie: I work down here a lot, so yes. I wonder why I didn't smell it?
Wolfgang: --that the showers in House IV are especially likely--
Panel 3:
Baldwin [winces]: It's all shrivelled up like a little mouse mummy.
Wolfgang: --to use quantities of water inconsistent with--
Panel 4:
Baldwin: Would he notice if we waved it in his face?
Marie: I'm guessing not.
Wolfgang: --the stated principles of the founders of the college--
As Wolfgang drones on, I keep hearing the priest with the "really
boring voice" from the _Father Ted_ episode in which a gaggle of
bewildered priests become lost in the largest lingerie section in