Panel 1: In
Marie's favourite basement nook, Baldwin has crawled behind the couch
and removed the dead mouse, which he is holding on a piece of paper.
Marie is watching. Wolfgang continues to hold his book and drone on.
Wolfgang: --and therefore, what we need to accomplish--
Baldwin: Ick. Ick. Ick.
Panel 2: Baldwin stands up and waves the mouse at Wolfgang.
Wolfgang: --is a recalibration of the infrastructure surrounding--
Baldwin: Wolfgang, shut up!
Panel 3:
Baldwin: I haven't listened to a word you've been saying.
Wolfgang: Really?
Panel 4:
Wolfgang [flips through his book]: Then I should start again.
Marie: I think I would like to kill both of you.
Alt-Text: No, wait...death is too good for you. I want to force you to watch Sandra Bullock movies together for sixteen hours running.