Panel 1: In
Marie's favourite basement nook, Marie is sitting on the couch,
Wolfgang is standing nearby, droning incessantly on, Baldwin is
standing beside him, holding a dead mouse and clutching at his head,
and Casey is approaching.
Wolfgang: As I was saying, the college's shower efficiency leaves a lot to be desired. If--
Baldwin: Somebody...stop him...
Panel 2:
Casey: Is that a dead mouse?
Baldwin: Yes.
Casey: May I have it?
Baldwin: ........Yes?
Panel 3: Casey,
holding the dead mouse, walks away, smiling gently. Baldwin and
Wolfgang stare after him. Marie nudges around to peer around Baldwin at
Panel 4: Wolfgang, for once at a complete loss for words, wanders away in a daze.
Baldwin: Well, somebody stopped him, but now my head is exploding.
Marie: A frequent side effect of contact with Casey.
Alt-Text: Well...well, he could want the dead mouse for a lot of different things. Like...well, he just could.