Panel 1: Steve, Barbara, and Casey are in the Davies College basement.
Steve: You play the accordion?
Barbara: Don't mock me.
Panel 2:
Steve: No, I love the accordion.
Barbara: Seriously, don't mock me.
Panel 3:
Steve: You want to join our band?
Barbara goes to reply emphatically but stops herself at the last moment.
Panel 4:
Barbara: As an accordionist, I really don't know how to deal with lack of scorn.
Casey: We understand.
Look, seriously, everybody: the accordion is a GREAT instrument. It's's has a nice sound...and it can play much,
much more than the bloody polka. Why do you hate it so? Why can't I get
through a mere mention of my accordion without someone going, "
you know what Oscar Wilde said about accordions?" YES, I DAMNED WELL
DO, SINCE EVERYONE KEEPS TELLING ME! Please, people: have a go at the
double bass or the cornet for a bit and leave the poor accordion alone.
You're making Barbara defensive. You're making ME defensive. STOP
MAKING ME DEFENSIVE! Thank you, and good night.