Panel 1: Marie, sitting on her bed, answers her phone.
Marie: Hello?
Voice on Phone: Marie...could I ask a favour?
Marie: Rahim?
Panel 2:
Marie: Okay...what's up?
Rahim: I need you to come get me.
Marie: Come get you? From where?
Panel 3: Marie's eyes pop as Rahim answers.
Rahim: The parking lot just behind the college. I slipped on the ice and may have broken my leg.
Panel 4:
Marie: Call 9-1-1, you idiot!
Rahim: Oh, I don't want to be a nuisance...
1) Those planning to call shenanigans on the verisimilitude of Rahim's
mishap should note that this exact thing happened to a friend of mine
last January. Black ice can lead to some surprisingly violent
accidents. 2) Sometimes, Rahim really reminds me of my grandmother.