Panel 1: In
the parking lot behind Davies College, Rahim is sitting on the ground,
his leg broken. His backpack is beside him. Marie runs up to him and
crouches down.
Marie: Oh God.
Rahim: Don't worry; I'm okay.
Panel 2: Marie kneels beside Rahim.
Marie: Are you crazy? You broke your leg!
Rahim: I'm pretty sure it's a simple tibial fracture.
Panel 3: Marie makes Rahim lean against her.
Marie: Will you please stop diagnosing yourself? Why aren't you panicking?
Panel 4:
Rahim: I'm a nurse; it's my job to soothe the patient.
Marie: You are the patient!
Alt-Text: Rahim is completely channelling my grandmother here. He's going to start baking cookies any minute now.