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Monday, January 5, 2009

West of Bathurst 445

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As there have apparently been quite a few people visiting the ancient WoB "Comments" blog on Blogger lately, now would probably be a good time to draw your attention once again to the little "Comment" button right above this message. It leads not to the Blogger blog (Blogger still thinks I am a spambot, and it hasn't bothered to verify my claim that I am, in fact, mostly human) but to the WordPress blog that swiftly and irrevocably replaced it quite a long time ago. The Blogger blog still exists, mostly because it is waiting for Blogger to verify that it is not a spam-blog and is frozen in place until Blogger does so. However, no one posts there. Everyone posts on the other blog. Come visit the other blog. You can tease SunshineRain about smooching. It's fun.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Panel 1: Rahim and Casey confront each other in the Davies College basement.

Rahim: What's wrong with you, Casey?

Casey: What's wrong with you?

Panel 2:

Rahim: Have you ever even asked me for my side of the story? Weren't we friends too? Why did you automatically side with Marie?

Panel 3:

Rahim: You made her think she was hallucinating.

Casey: She was hallucinating! You just won't admit it because you love her!

Panel 4: Rahim goes red and looms menacingly over Casey.

Casey: ...You're going to hurt me now, aren't you?

Rahim: Odds are good.

Alt-Text: Some conversations just go "BAM!", and there isn't a damned thing you can do to save them. Ah well. Next!

Go to commentary

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014