Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, we see a silhouette
of Marie lying in bed at night, thinking, "West of Bathurst? By Kari
Panel 2: Marie lies in bed, wide awake.
Marie [thinks]: I can't sleep.
Panel 3: She sits up and buries her face in her hands.
Marie [thinks]: How have I ended up with so much to think about? It goes 'round and 'round in my head.
Panel 4: She hugs her knees.
Marie [thinks]: The constant work for my classes...Rahim's leg...the thing with my family...Evil Marie...Casey...
Panel 5:
Marie [thinks]: There's a seething, bubbling brew of panicked paranoia sliding around inside my wholly inadequate brain.
Panel 6:
Marie [thinks]: What's wrong with me? Why am I always worrying? Now I'm even worrying about worrying. Should I be worrying about that?
Panel 7: Evil Marie appears beside Marie's bed.
Marie [thinks]: I suspect I am entirely the wrong kind of genius.
Evil Marie: I know I'm imaginary, but you appal me. Alt-Text: Trust me: imaginary critics are the worst ones.