Panel 1: Steve
sits in a chair, holding a guitar. Casey stands behind him with his
violin. Wendy is also sitting down; Tom and Reg are standing behind her.
Tom: Aren't we starting?
Steve: Just waiting for Barbara.
Panel 2: Barbara,
dressed as Sherlock Holmes and "smoking" a pipe, approaches. She is
carrying an accordion in a case. Everybody stares at her.
Panel 3: Barbara closely examines Casey with a magnifying glass.
Panel 4: Tom and Reg exchange baffled glances as Casey holds his violin out to Barbara.
Casey: I believe this is yours, Mr.Holmes.
Barbara: You may play it for now, Professor Moriarty. Alt-Text:
"What do you MEAN most people wouldn't come to band practice
dressed as Sherlock Holmes? Why not? Have you got any cocaine? I'm
really getting into the role."