Panel 1: Casey
and Barbara sit side by side as their band practises together. Barbara
is dressed as Sherlock Holmes and playing the accordion; Casey is
playing the fiddle.
Steve [off panel]: Okay, let's try it again more quickly.
Casey [to Barbara, grinning]: Not one for subtlety, are you?
Panel 2:
Barbara: I do not comprehend you, sir.
Casey: I know you've been spying on me, for whatever reason.
Panel 3:
Barbara: The great Sherlock Holmes does not spy!
Panel 4:
Barbara: He may sneak around with a magnifying glass when he sees someone resurrect a mouse.
Casey [still smiling]: Let's just play. Alt-Text:
Barbara needs to refresh her memory regarding Sherlock Holmes.
The guy spies ALL THE TIME. He is a master of disguise as well as a
genius at deductive reasoning. He also tends not to refer to himself in
the third person.