Panel 1: Rahim and Marie are in the Davies College foyer. Rahim is writing on a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
Rahim: I'll sign us up for a Winter Ball table, okay?
Marie: Uh...
Panel 2:
Rahim: You're going, Marie.
Marie: I don't know. I've got a lot of work to do. I don't really like dancing. I'd need to buy a dress--
Panel 3:
Rahim: You don't have to talk to Casey.
Marie: No...I just have to watch him sprint for the horizon whenever he thinks I'm approaching him.
Panel 4:
Rahim: At least you haven't made him cry.
Marie: Guess again... Alt-Text:
Who will win the "Who can make Casey cry the most often?" pool? Only time will tell.