Panel 1: Marie is in bed. Her clock reads "2:47." She reaches out to pick up her phone, which is ringing.
Panel 2: Marie is on the phone, talking to two people, one of whom appears to be Baldwin.
Person 1: Marie! Baldwin says he killed me, but there was someone else in the room!
Baldwin: No no no...Steve was behind a pillar!
Panel 3: Marie is clearly very tired and pissed off.
Person 1: That doesn't matter!
Baldwin: Does too!
Person 1: It's in the rules!
Baldwin: You haven't read the rules!
Person 1: Cheater!
Baldwin: Sore loser!
Panel 4:
Marie: I hate you both.
Person 1 and Baldwin: Yeah, but what's your verdict? Alt-Text:
I never had anyone phone me at 2:47 a.m. for an adjudication, but I did
receive some relatively-late-night phone calls along similar lines.