Panel 1: Marie and Rahim walk towards the Davies College foyer.
Rahim: Well, you seem to have survived thus far.
Marie: It hasn't been that bad.
Panel 2: They
stop beside the "Murder Board" to see who is still alive in the Murder
Game. Many of the pictures of participants have been crossed out.
Marie: There's only one day left. Frankie's almost certainly going to win; Baldwin's protecting her, so she can kill with impunity.
Panel 3: Baldwin runs by, snickering, chased by an incandescent Frankie.
Frankie: You heartless, double-crossing HYPOCRITE! This time I'll break BOTH your arms!
Panel 4: Marie stares after them. Rahim turns and walks away.
Marie: And then there's the "Baldwin stabs his girlfriend in the back and all hell breaks loose" scenario.
Rahim: If you want me, I'll be cowering. Alt-Text:
A Murder Game without a good backstabbing is not a Murder Game at all.