Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, a young white man
with brown hair and a young white woman with yellow hair embrace
obnoxiously. Barbara points a hose at them; Marie reaches casually
towards the tap. They are in a backyard. Behind them are silhouettes of
some houses; one has the words "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren"
written on it in cursive.
Panel 2: Barbara and Marie are on an elevator with the terrible couple from the title panel.
Terrible Man: ...And then I just gave it to her for free!
Terrible Woman: Oh, Todd!
Panel 3: Marie leans against the elevator mirror, looking cynical. Barbara glances at the terrible woman's head. The terrible man smirks.
Terrible Man: You like?
Terrible Woman: You're so sweet. You're just so sweet.
Panel 4: Barbara stares intently at the top of the terrible woman's head.
Terrible Man: Not as sweet as you.
Terrible Woman: You're sweeter.
Terrible Man: No, you're sweeter.
Terrible Woman: No, you!
Terrible Man: N--
Panel 5:
Terrible Man [to Barbara]: Dude, what are you looking at?
Panel 6:
Barbara: Lice.
Panel 7: The terrible couple exit the elevator, eyes very wide. Barbara and Marie stay put.
Marie: Let's ride down with another couple and do that again.
Barbara: I can think of no better way to spend my time. Alt-Text: I double-dog-dare you to try this the next time you're trapped in an enclosed space with a couple of nuzzlers.