Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Marie and Rahim walk along together.
Marie: Stella, Paul, and I figure we'll make an okay DEF. It won't be like you and Wendy.
Rahim: You hardly ever talk to Paul.
Panel 2: They approach Wendy, who is sitting at a little table. Marie hands Wendy her DEF nomination form.
Marie: Yeah, but I know he's reliable and keeps his head in a crisis
Wendy: Ooh...a second DEF slate! Fun!
Panel 3:
Marie: Who's running against us?
Wendy: Steve, Reg, and Casey.
Panel 4:
Marie [screams very loudly into Wendy's face]: WHAT?
Rahim [walks away]: I'll go get Paul, shall I? Alt-Text:
I don't believe Massey has had an actual LMF contest since I and my
co-chair were elected nine years ago. Now, Masseyites seem more willing
to form absolutely ginormous LMF committees consisting of something
like five co-chairs and an equally large number of committee members.
Eh...times change.