Panel 1: Marie is in the public women's bathroom at Davies College, looking at herself in the mirror.
Marie [thinks]: Almost time for the election meeting to start.
Panel 2:
Marie [thinks]: I'll be fine. I can do this. I'll just walk right into that room and pretend Casey isn't there. It'll be easy.
Panel 3: Marie swings away from the mirror and heads off with determination.
Marie [thinks]: This is it. I'm on the move. Here...I...go...
Panel 4: Marie is sitting on a toilet, her hands folded in her lap.
Marie [thinks]: ...right into this bathroom stall, where I expect I shall remain for a year...
The women's bathrooms on the main floor of the College contain these
fantastic airtight stalls that must freak the living hell out of
claustrophic people. I know at least one person ended up trapped in
there; a locksmith had to be called to get her out. This doesn't really
have anything to do with the comic, but it's still quite interesting.