Header: So
yes, this is an April Fools joke. It's basically a random page from a
comic that doesn't exist. It is here to confuse people. This is what it
says and shows:
The header, which is, like the comic, in black
and white, reads: "Treachery, Incorporated." It's mostly black except
for a picture of a young man with curly black hair smirking and aiming
a gun at the viewer.
Panel 1: A
woman with long hair stands in a hallway outside a partly open door.
She is dressed in a midriff-baring top and skinny low-rider jeans, and
she looks to be in her late teens or early twenties.
Caption: Seventeen.
Panel 2: She
approaches an elevator. A young man with curly black hair is just
pushing the button. He is carrying a messenger bag and wearing a plaid
shirt open over a T-shirt. He glances over his shoulder as the woman
Caption: Fourteen.
Panel 3: She grabs him by the wrist and drags him down the hallway.
Caption: Twelve.
Panel 4: She pulls him down the stairs. He looks bewildered.
Caption: Eight.
Panel 5: She pulls him out of the building through a back door.
Caption: Six.
Panel 6: She pulls him over a concrete barrier.
Caption: Four.
Panel 7: We zoom in on her face.
Caption: Three.
Panel 8: We zoom in some more.
Caption: Two.
Panel 9: We zoom in even more. The woman closes her eyes. There is no caption.
Alt-Text: Oh, hey...looks as if we're not done with Clueless Courier Guy after all.