Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Wendy approaches Marie and Rahim. She is waving a huge bound manuscript.
Wendy [to Marie]: Here!
Marie: What's this?
Panel 2:
Wendy: A detailed explanation of all the things you need to know to be a DEF co-chair. I wrote it when I was in office.
Panel 3: Marie takes the massive tome. Wendy starts to walk away.
Since I can't be bothered to update it, it's almost entirely obsolete.
I will, nonetheless, be quizzing you on its contents. Ciao!
Panel 4:
Marie: I honestly can't tell whether she means to be evil.
Rahim: The lack of unrestrained cackling does sort of throw you.
Alt-Text: This book exists. It is called So You Want to Be an LMF Co-Chair. Sadly, I am its author.