Panel 1: In the Davies College basement nook, Marie sits on the couch, while Baldwin is on the floor beside her.
Baldwin: I knew Frankie's ex-boyfriend was coming out of the closet, and I didn't tell Frankie.
Panel 2:
Baldwin: Steve's my friend; he told me in confidence. Frankie's my girlfriend.
Panel 3:
Baldwin: Trapped between Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt, I panicked and kissed a Wookiee. What would you have done?
Panel 4:
Marie: Picked a different analogy.
Baldwin: Understandable, but besides that.
Clearly, he rejected "Trapped between a rock and a hard place" for
being too pedestrian, and he probably didn't even know about "Trapped
between Scylla and Charybdis." I think he really made the only other
logical choice.