Panel 1: Barbara and Marie walk together through the Davies College basement. Barbara is holding a spiral-bound copy of her thesis.
Barbara: Dr. Asmoday said I could mail him the draft, so I'm doing that today.
Panel 2:
If he approves it by the middle of July, I'll be able to defend in time
for fall convocation, and I won't have to pay any more tuition.
Panel 3:
Marie: Well, he has two months. It should be fine.
Barbara: Don't say that!
Panel 4:
Barbara: Murphy is always listening.
Marie [slaps her hands over her mouth]: Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!
Murphy's Law (revised version): Anything that can go wrong will go
wrong, especially if one taunts the Power of Murphy by assuming that
the seemingly excellent odds in favour of everything going right
actually mean something.