Panel 1: Rahim and Marie are sitting in the basement nook at Davies College.
Rahim: The Comics Curmudgeon?
Marie: It's a blog I post comments on. How did he know it was me?
Panel 2:
Rahim: You and Weird Beard read the same blog.
Marie: It's about comics! It's popular! I thought I was anonymous!
Panel 3:
Rahim: You share interests with Weird Beard.
Marie: So do a lot of people, but he doesn't cyber-stalk them.
Panel 4:
Rahim: If he weren't a middle-aged eccentric with no social skills, you might be meant for each other.
Marie: I really think you're missing the point here.
Alt-Text: I expect she's probably going to try to kill him soon. *Buys popcorn*