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Monday, June 15, 2009

West of Bathurst 526

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I'm really sorry the site keeps going down. Unfortunately, I have no control over it. The next time this happens, try the other site (though note that the comic generally goes up a few hours later there). I also post comics on the comments page whenever the site is down, though obviously, you won't be able to access the archives from there.


Monday, June 15, 2009
Panel 1: In the Davies College porter's lodge, Baldwin stands in front of Kenneth's desk as Kenneth watches him stoically.

Baldwin: Please?

Panel 2: Baldwin leans towards Kenneth, whose expression doesn't change.

Baldwin: Please please please please please?

Panel 3: Baldwin gets right into Kenneth's face.

Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please?

Panel 4: Baldwin sits dejectedly on the stairs that lead up to the dining hall, Marie beside him.

Baldwin: I was about to go on when I realised how much he was enjoying himself.

Marie: Have you considered not locking yourself out of your room?

Alt-Text: It is just possible that there have, at certain points in the past, been Massey porters who have taken unholy pleasure in frustrating the hopes and dreams of those Junior Fellows who lock themselves out of their rooms just a leetle bit too often.

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