Panel 1: Barbara and Marie walk down the street together.
Barbara: Are you going to get that apartment?
Marie: Maybe.
Panel 2:
Barbara: If you do, everyone will know you're rich.
Marie: I'm not rich.
Panel 3:
Marie: I'm...just not poor.
Barbara: Compared to me, you're rich.
Panel 4:
Barbara: Of course, compared to me, the feral cats in the alley behind Davies are rich.
Marie: They haven't been paying tuition for fourteen years.
Barbara is in that most difficult of all grad-student-related
positions: she is poised to defend, but since she hasn't done so yet,
she's still considered a student by the university. U of T won't hire
her as a student instructor or a T.A. (since she's almost done), and it
won't hire her as a sessional instructor (since she's not done yet). As
far as U of T is concerned, she'll be spending the next full year in
employment limbo. Yes, I speak from bitter, bitter experience.
Whysoever do you ask?