Panel 1: Marie approaches Rahim, who is sitting in the Davies College basement nook.
Marie: I got an apartment for August first.
Rahim: Great minds think alike.
Panel 2: She sits down beside him.
Marie: You found one too?
Rahim: Near Yonge and St. Clair. Yours?
Marie: Right downtown.
Panel 3:
Marie: Wow...we're all scattering. It's kind of sad.
Rahim: It could be worse.
Panel 4:
Rahim: We could be traumatising Barbara by moving west of Bathurst.
Barbara [throws herself out from behind the couch]: That would be unbelievably scary and wrong!
Funnily enough, one of my Massey friends, who has been living quite a
distance from me for several years, just moved into my building, two
floors above me. Thankfully, we do not live west of Bathurst.