After spending far too much time reading through the 676 pages of The Order of the Stick (676 extraordinarily text-heavy pages, I might add), I have decided that it is time for me to update my "Links" page. I have added a few more webcomics and appended notes to the blurbs of those I no longer read. Hurrah for procrastination. Or something. |
Friday, September 11, 2009 |
Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Marie and Sara approach Barbara. Marie: Barbara, this is-- Barbara [angrily]: I have a defence date. Panel 2: Marie: That's-- Barbara: It's on October twelfth. Panel 3: Marie: All-- Barbara [in an apoplectic fury]: Thank you, evil supervisor, for finally bothering to approve the thesis I finished in May! My gratitude is boundless! Panel 4: Marie tactfully ushers a wide-eyed Sara away. Marie: We'll try you again la-- Barbara [basically screaming]: How lovely it is to know that you CARE! Alt-Text: sorry I would feel for anyone ever actually put in this position. However, that would NEVER, EVER HAPPEN. Right, U of T? Go to commentary |