Panel 1: Marie is standing against a brick wall in Davies College, reading a newspaper. Casey comes up beside her.
Casey: Your DEF committee is doing a good job with orientation week.
Marie: Thanks.
At Least Three People From Off Panel: Marie!
Panel 2: Marie continues to read as Wolfgang and Barbara approach her. Wolfgang points at Barbara.
Wolfgang: Tell her she's an alum and can't come on the picnic!
Barbara: Do you ever have any idea what you're talking about at all?
Panel 3: A young woman, a young man, and Frankie join the crowd.
Woman: There's a newbie up the bell tower.
Man: I forget what room I live in.
Frankie: Where's Baldwin? I need to kill him.
Panel 4: Everyone but Casey and Marie moves off panel and continues to complain.
Casey: You're just ignoring all the crises, aren't you?
Marie: Maybe.
Alt-Text: Hey, it works for deadlines. They always go away in the end. Afterwards, there are new, more urgent deadlines, but still.