Friday, September
18, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009 |
Panel 1: Marie is in the Davies College basement.
Marie: Orientation Week is over.
Panel 2:
Marie [gets impatient]: I said...Orientation week is over.
Panel 3:
Marie [loudly and with emphasis]: I said...Orientation Week is OVER!
Panel 4: Marie is revealed to be standing in front of the couch in her favourte basement nook. Rahim is hiding behind the couch.
Marie [arms crossed]: You can come out now.
Rahim: There may still be activities.
Social phobias are made worse by one spending a year coordinating a
social committee and another representing the entire student body of a
community. Of course, the fact that Rahim feels the need to hide AT
Davies when he has a perfectly good apartment of his own says something

Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014