Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara sits at a table, staring incredulously at her laptop.
Barbara: West...of...Bathurst...
Panel 2: Somewhere in Davies College, Barbara thrusts her fist into the air as Marie watches.
Barbara: That's it!
Marie: What's what?
Panel 3:
Barbara: Remember how I told you I was scheduled to defend on October twelfth?
Marie: Yeah, I--wait a minute--
Panel 4:
Barbara: Exactly. October twelfth is Thanksgiving! My supervisor forgot that. He gave me the date without bothering to confirm with the GSU.
Panel 5:
Now he's finally remembered to schedule the actual defence. It'll be
on--wait for it--November twenty-third. More thousands of dollars in
tuition for Barbara!
Panel 6:
Panel 7:
Marie: I take it there are no words.
Barbara [buzzes off in an absolute fury]: There are plenty of words. Let me find some more.
Alt-Text: It is just barely possible that this comic exists because I too forgot that Barbara's defence was scheduled for Thanksgiving.