Panel 1: Marie is in her apartment, sitting in a squishy chair and talking to Jackie via computer and headset.
Marie: So what's it like at Stanford?
Jackie [via the headset]: Scary.
Panel 2: Jackie is sitting outside with her own computer and headset.
Jackie: I have responsibilities! I have to teach a class. I taught in Toronto too, but here it feels more...weighty, somehow.
Panel 3:
Marie [via the headset]: What's the class called?
Jackie: "Truth and Morality: One, Many, or None."
Panel 4: We're back in Marie's apartment.
Marie: Weighty indeed.
Jackie [via the headset]: I've heard Stanford retains a staff of twelve just to make up course titles.
I, on the other hand, have been known to teach a course called "Zap,
Pow, Bang: Pop Lit." The students think it ISN'T weighty and are
unpleasantly surprised when they actually have to work at analysing
horror novels and comics.