Panel 1: Marie
is sitting on a chair in her apartment, talking to Jackie via her
headset, which is attached to her computer. Someone knocks on her door.
Marie: Just a sec, Jackie...there's someone at my door. I'll put you on speaker.
Panel 2: Marie opens the door, revealing Casey standing in the hallway. Marie seems less than happy to see him.
Casey: Uh. Hi. You said I could borrow Season Five of House.
Marie: Oh. Yeah...come in.
Jackie [on the computer]: Is that Casey?
Panel 3: Jackie, in California, is very excited.
Jackie: Oh my God! I hear Casey! Did you guys make up? When did that happen? Why didn't anyone tell me? This is totally, totally huge!
Panel 4: Back in Marie's apartment, Marie and Casey are staring, bemused, at the computer.
Marie: Don't you have new, different gossip out there in California?
Jackie [on the computer]: Davies gossip is better; everyone knows that.
Alt-Text: I had a fever of 102 F while I was working on this comic. I really hope it kind of makes sense.