Panel 1: In
the Davies College basement, Barbara, dressed as Sherlock Holmes, is
hounding the mysterious man in pyjamas as Marie and Steve watch.
Man: I have clothes! I have a life outside my girlfriend! I just haven't been around much! You're way out of--
The man's phone rings.
Panel 2:
Man [into the phone]: Hi. Jeanne? Yeah, I', it was my fault. I'm sorry too. Of course I still love you. See you soon.
Panel 3: Barbara looks at her watch as the mysterious man does the shifty-eyes thing.
Barbara: Three...two...
Panel 4: The mysterious man flees back to the welcome embrace of his lady love.
Barbara: Case--and door--closed.
Steve: Goodbye, Mysterious Pyjamas Guy! We probably won't miss you!
Alt-Text: And the next time she dumps you and you emerge, we won't have any idea who you are!